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Be the change you want to see in the world!

On Zero Discrimination Day, we celebrated the right of everyone to live a full and productive life that is free from distinction, exclusion, restriction, or prejudice based on gender, race, age, or any other status. Join the global movement of solidarity to create a positive change in our societies with actions in our everyday lives. Be the change you want to see in the world!

On Zero Discrimination Day, we celebrate the Right of everyone to live a full and productive life, and to live it with dignity. Let us all contribute to the global movement of solidarity to end all forms of discrimination.

Discrimination is the unfair or prejudicial treatment of people and groups. Discrimination is a public health issue as it can be damaging to the persons who feel affected. Higher stress levels and chronic stress can lead to a variety of physical and mental health problems which are linked to anxiety, depression, obesity, high blood pressure, substance abuse and more.

Together lets take action to end the inequalities persisting around the world surrounding Gender, Age, Health Status, Income, Occupation, Disability, Sexual Orientation, Drug Use, Gender Identify, Race, Class, Ethnicity, Religion, or other status.

There are small changes in our everyday lives and within our thinking, that can be made by each and every one of us, to make a difference in others lives. We can create positive changes by becoming more mindful of the world around us.

Discrimination can occur any place and any time, sometimes on the way to work or while getting a taxi home, on a night out or within the family settings. Discrimination can take place in the wider society, or in the classroom among peers, while looking for work or trying to access suitable housing. It can happen to anyone.

We can create the changes we want to see in the world by being conscious and open to the experiences of others, accepting them in non-judgmental and respectful way. Educating ourselves and raising awareness are also great steps towards challenging discrimination, in addition to reporting any prejudice and unfair treatment experienced or observed.

Persons affected who may find it difficult to deal with the direct and undirect consequences of discrimination in their lives should seek professional help to get support for ways for coping.

At Dublin Mind clinic we offer various types of Psychotherapy and Neurofeedback training to provide you with the support that you deserve. For more information please visit our home page

If you are in crisis you can contact 1800 742 444 the Your Mental Health Information Line where a trained member can help connect you to the most appropriate mental health service for your needs.

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