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You don’t have to hug a tree, but it helps!

Trees have a direct impact on the earth and in the lives of the people. They help us breathe and they help us breathe easier. Besides encouraging biodiversity, forests and trees also bring us better mental health. You don’t have to hug a tree to feel better, but spending time in the forest can have a positive impact for the life on this planet and you. Today, 21st of March 2022, on World Forest Day, lets make every tree count!

However, every year we allow more that 13500000 hectares of forest to be destroyed for our modern needs and wants. This is putting the biodiversity in severe danger. So today, on World Forest Day, lets celebrate every tree that is growing on our beautiful planet.

We are only starting to uncover the complexity of our forest. We may not completely understand how trees improve our planet and lives or why humans need forests every day, but we do know a few things. We know that

  • trees provide us food (like fruit, spices, and nuts etc),

  • trees protect the land (soil from erosion, fires, wind, and floods and more),

  • trees help us breathe (trees produce oxygen for us to breath and they filter carbon, also reduce smog making it easier to breathe),

  • trees provide shelter and shade (from the sun for all creatures on earth and the soil it grows in),

  • trees are a natural playground (natural playground for children, gym for adults, full of entertainment for all),

  • trees encourage biodiversity (for the creatures that live among trees like birds, animals, insects and life in the soil between the roots),

  • and trees improve people mental health (by spending time in forests and around trees while hiking, walking, camping or forest bathing in some other manner).

Spending time in the forest can calm our racing minds. Studies show the time spent in the forests and around trees can reduce stress, anxiety, hostility, fatigue, confusion, anger and symptoms of depression. Time spend among trees has also been shown to improve immunity and overall better health by reducing sympatric nervous system activity (stress related), in addition to increasing parasympathetic nervous system activity (relaxation). Exposure to trees and forest can take us from stress to relaxation which can not only be felt, but also seen. Slower heart rate, lower blood pressure, lower cortisol level and altered brain waves have all been noted.

Not only do these giants help us feel at aw with nature, they have a proven to be a source of medicines, food and materials, all while improving our planet and lives in immeasurable ways. Trees have a direct impact on the earth and they affect the lives of all the people on this planet. Every tree counts towards protecting the biodiversity and life on earth. We can start by small changes in our every day lives. Here are the top 10 suggestions on how we can be more mindful of the trees that help us be mindful to ourselves and others.

1. Visit forests often

2. Share your love of forests with others.

3. Teach kids about forests through books and outdoor exploration.

4. Conserve trees and forests in your are

5. Plant trees—the more the better

6. Support forest conservation organizations

7. Learn about forests, both local and global.

8. Buy forest-friendly (or certified) products

9. Demand better labelling of products so you know if they are certified and sustainable

10. Advocate for climate change solutions

You don’t have to hug a tree but spending time in the forest can have a positive impact for all life on this planet. On World Forest Day appreciate every tree.

If you feel that you need help breathing easy in life, are going through difficult times or need support to live with ease, you can visit for information on how to avail of our Psychotherapy and Neurofeedback Training services and more.

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